The Same Hand That Created Us Did This
Hello my munchkins! Ginger, Feline Reporter on assignment. The Chairman prepared this evidence for you concerning just how far off "the deep end" our beloved Kreatrix has gone. But then, we still think she might be communicating with alien visitors from another planet. Check it out here and here.
If you don't want to see an ugly little worm get consumed by a cute little critter, don't watch this.
Kreatrix, you have a new title, "worlds greatest lizard wrangler". You could take your lizards on the road, put them in Godzilla movies as extras, Vegas is calling you. Forget those demanding clients, head for LA LA land.
Chairman, not squeamish about watching lizards eating live worms. I watched my chickens eat a live mouse, not so cute as the lizard.
This is BJ, fellow commenter. Just had to reply to your comment about your chickens eating a live mouse! Seriously never knew they would do this. I just did a google search and unfortunately the first thing that popped up was a video of a couple of chickens fighting off a cat to get to the mouse!! Had to click it off when the winning chicken decided to finish off the mouse. I was going to have chicken for dinner-rethinking that decision. May take awhile for the dreaded image to leave my mind! This blog certainly is informative!!
The Kreatrix
Post authorBJ! Kreatrix here...never knew they did either. May have to talk to Prof about getting a few chickens for the back yard. I've seen a few mice and our cats are indoors only. Hmmmm...on another note, so much for the term "grass fed chickens".
BJ sorry about ruining your supper. It disturbed me so much at the time I refused to eat any of the eggs they laid for a week.
If you ever get tired of the constant uploading and last minute client changes I think you have a future as a "Lizard Whisperer".
Chairman, is that the same lizard eating all those worms or has the Kreatrix attracted the entire lizard population on the West Coast?? I actually think this video is cute (but then again, I'm weird.) However, the thought of Candie's chickens eating a live mouse is highly disturbing!! CAN.NOT.EVEN.IMAGINE!!
The Kreatrix
Post authorSome days 3-5 of the little guys come running towards me for their treats. During the filming it was just the main female lizard. I call her Harriet. Don't know why. Harriet has now found her way around the outside of the house and into the back yard. She comes right up to me on the patio. One of these days I fully expect to find her with utensils, a plate and bib.
Most excellent! What are these little worms? And where can I get them? Lizards are awesome because they eat bugs and I DON'T LIKE BUGS!
The Kreatrix
Post authorMost excellent, indeed! They are Meal Worms and I get mine from Petsmart and Petco. Most any pet store that sells supplies for fish and lizards will have them. Ask for the live ones. They need to be refrigerated. Apparently lizards have a sensitive palate and don't like the dried meal worms. Hmmmm....
High Priestess of the Jungle - Catberry Tails™