Happy Thanksgiving to our USA Followers

We wish you a most happy Thanksgiving Day! Here at Catberry Tails we are thankful for cats, art, laughter and our growing band of followers. You guys rock!

The Chairman was wanting to know what part of the word thankful this ordeal falls under?The Chairman Cat doll is wearing an hilarious turkey hat.

On the other hand, he gave profound thanks for the following image of Wally.

Wally the cat photoshopped into a Thanksgiving Day pilgrim costume.


Whimsical Call Dolls Take It Up a Notch!

The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

Well, looky here. This ultra sleek, ultra modern and colorful thingy was sitting at the curb and I knew it was destined for me!


Why? Don’t know. Don’t even know what it is but I do know humans stare at anything with a screen for HOURS on end. Soooo anything with a screen must be VERY, VERY powerful.

That’s right…you know where I’m going with this. WORLD DOMINATION Community Building.

So, I recruited the CEO to help carry it into our headquarters.

Two Cat dolls carrying an iMac computer.

My new cat enjoyed the ride up top.

But we kinda got annoyed when he kept screaming

“I’m King of the World! Celine, where are you when I need you?”

Cute Cat Doll actd out famous scene from the movie The Titanic.

Whew! Victory!

Cat Dolls collapsed in fatique

My cat kept saying…

            "Do it again. Do it again! Again! Again!"

We sat and stared at it for hours…waiting for it to do something.

Cute cat dolls still watching a blank iMac screen.

Cat dolls still watching a blank iMac screen.

FINALLY, the Kreatrix joined us.


In all her infinite wisdom she remarked:

“Hmmm. What are you gonna do with it?”

Haven’t a clue. The on button won’t even work. I shared with her my deepest feelings about being brave in my quest for World Domination. How I needed to remain vulnerable in my courage so that people could relate to how willing I am to be cracked open with vulnerability and I would be willing to lean into my courage if I just knew what I was supposed to lean into.

She said:

“What the heck are you talking about?”

I don’t know…I read it somewhere on the internet.

“Uh-huh. Well. Use the Force, Luke. You’ll figure out what to do with it.”

I hate when she says that! Like I’ll be able to figure -----OH WAIT! OH GLORIOUS DAY…. I gotta go. I gotta get to work! I am gonna RULE!!! Whimsical cat dolls (keyword alert) are gonna rule!



The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.Fine. I was busted. The stress of running this conglomerate got to me and I snapped...just a little bit. I am supposed to publicly apologize to Wally so I'd like to eat two birds with one stone and use the keyword for today's post in my apology.

"I hereby apologize to Wally, one of the whimsical cats that is not a doll, for locking your furry little whimsical cat's booty up in the whimsical cats carrier."

Okay then. We're good.

Lot's happening around here while we forge on towards World Domination Community Building. Here's some fabric painted by the Kreatrix (I watched).

Hand painted fabric for cat dolls.

Hand painted fabric for cat dolls.

LOOK AT THIS! I like picking out the eyeballs for my cat army community. Sooooo many choices.

Colorful buttons used for whimsical cat doll eyes.

Woop! That guy back there kinda looks like me.

Cute cat doll poses in front of cat dolls being made.

AND THEN TRAGEDY STRUCK! The Kreatrix stopped working on my clan in order to do this:

Computer screen showing what The Kreatrix had to work on for a client who sells dog products.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but that sure looks like a D O G!

I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you. I must research the all important meaning of the word "client". Apparently, clients are closer to World Domination than I currently am because there's been a whole lotta bowing and scraping to this client thing.

So I tried to work on my own.

Cute cat doll cuting out fabric.

By the way, I put together a nice little slideshow of what the RLC's (real life cats) were doing whilst I was SLAVING away. Enjoy.


Will Cat Dolls Stage a Takeover of Catberry Tails?

The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.After the debacle -

Ew. Another biggish, vague word. They just keep coming.

After the folly of my “contemplative sitting” (I see she posted the video. I may decide not to mention that cat doll is the keyword today…that’ll set her straight. My cat doll lips are sealed)

Anywho, I slept for two days and then the Kreatrix surprised me with:


Hmmm. I wasn’t bored at all but apparently they’re called that because humans find them boring.A small globe of the world is presented to two cute cat dolls.

I was given a magic globe and was told:

“...to build a community instead of trying to Dominate the World”.

Whatever. I still like the sound of Dominus Felinius.

The Chairman, a cute cat doll, is vieweing hand painted fabric.Well, lookey here! Fabric the Kreatrix painted and it looks like me!

“I think you’re lonely, so why don’t you help me build some more cat dolls like you?”

I’m a D O L L? Here’s the definition she gave me:

  “A very cute, cuddly toy”

WHAT!? That sounds as appetizing as a furball.  She sighed and said:

 “Fine. A Dominus Felinius who looks like a lovingly made cat doll.”


Here I am  “community building” with Wally. The Chairman, a cute cat doll,  pets Wally an adorable black and white real life cat.

Get a load of his face. GULP. I’ve seen the teeth on that one. But try I must!

The Chairman, an adorable cat doll, of Catberry Tails talks to Wally the cat.I've seen the way the Kreatrix cuddles with him. Lucky cat. Still has big teeth. And the final zinger from the Kreatrix?:

"Wally helped me paint you. He ran across the wet paint and got his paw prints on you."

I will never, in a million cat years, live that one down.




Cute cat doll with huge eyes.I conducted a courageous marathon of "contemplative sitting" in my attempt to understand World Domination. And yet, my journey continues to fill me with ennui.

Eww. I just used a really vague word.

Rather, my journey fills me with angst, um...bad feelings....fine, a stomach ache. See here and here if you're wondering about my brave journey towards World Domination.


World Domination Part 3 from Catberry Tails on Vimeo.


Cute cat doll with huge eyes.In my attempt to understand World Domination (go here for the planting of the seed), I took a wander around the World Wide Web - the same one that has spiders crawling all over eating bits of blogs.

I found some interesting things regarding Domination but scarcely little to be found about WORLD DOMINATION.

I only had to do some minor revisions to the definitions of Domination to make them better:

Definition with words crossed out and others, like cat, added in.Definition with words crossed out and funny comments added.Another definition with words crossed out and funny ones added.

LOVE this one:

And yet another humoursly rewritten definition from the internet.I crown myself Dominus Felinius. And yet...I still feel empty.

SO...I gathered some interesting artifacts I found around the house. Some things I could possibly be a Dominus of.

VOILA! Ta freakin da!

Various cat collectibles found around the house.Apparently Crazy Cat Ladies collect all this kind of kitty cat stuff.

How do I look Dominating them?

The Chairman doll posed in front of Crazy Cat Lady's collectible cat figurines and such.I'm really upset that the Kreatrix took the following photos AND she insisted they be in this post. I'd rather you just skim over them.

Melvin, the cat, jumps on the table with the collectiblesThe Chairman tries to shoo Melvin off the table.But she snapped away like some kind of crazed paparazzi, laughing and saying:

"Oh look, Melvin is dominating the photo shoot"!

And she really leaned into THAT WORD.

I noticed when we were putting the Crazy Cat Lady toys away, there were a few that made her get quiet and teary-eyed. If you hover your mouse (YUM) over each photo you'll see why.


Personally, I like this little dude. I know how he feels.

Carved cat with silly expression

I must keep searching...World Domination eludes me.



Whimsical Cat Doll selfie with children's table.Not sure what to do with it, but it feels momentous.

Wally the real cat and a whimsical cat doll sit at table.I somehow feel my destiny lies with this…this…big, white, flat, seaty thingy. Wally said “ it’s a table and we’re not supposed to get on it”.  And then the Kreatrix said:

“I got it for you guys. It’s your table.”

Wow. Seriously? Wow. I’m honored. Don’t know why, but I am.

The CEO actually came out to inspect it.

Old whimsical cat doll sits on upside down chair on table top.Our wise old leader took a seat up top, and as he surveyed his kingdom we heard him softly remark:

“Can’t say much for the comfort of this particular seat but we’ll work on it.”

And then he took my face in his hands and said:

"This could be the start of something really stupendous. Don’t blow it, kid.”

The wise old cat doll, the CEO, gives advice to the Chairman.No pressure there. I’m scared. I have so much to remember. Like keywords and spiderbots and making nice-nice with the RLC’s. Oh, by the way, our keyword for this post is WHIMSICAL CAT DOLL.  See? I gotta worry about saying that again. Well, this WHIMSICAL CAT DOLL could just sit down and cry from the pressure of it all. Wally wouldn’t understand ‘cause he’s not a WHIMSICAL CAT DOLL. Geez.

ALSO, this came in the door.Whimsical cat doll poses with ceramic cat piggy bank.I thought it was some magical ancient relic from my ancestors but instead I’m told it’s a pig…or piggy bank…can’t remember. Silly. EVEN THOUGH it looks like a….WHIMSICAL CAT DOLL (heheheh)…I’m told you feed it coins in the slot up top and then it does absolutely nothing. Big woop. But I do like him and I figure he’s tied into my destiny.

So I’m keeping him.

To summarize, I have a table and a do-nothing coin eater that’s a pig but looks like a cool cat.

Catberry Tail's Chairman poses with ceramic cat piggy bank.I’m thinking World Domination is in order.