The Chairman is Very, Very Needy Right Now
Well, friends, times are tough here at Catberry Tails headquarters. The Kreatrix is very hard at work making everybody but Catberry Tails look good (hellloooo dastardly clients!).
My dear sweet Chairman has gone a bit off the deep end. Apparently, it started when he woke the Kreatrix up one morning after a late night of work. He peeled open her eye lid and asked:
"s'up? I need to get a jump on my tasks for the day!"
And she mumbles:
"..m'kay. Find out if birds fart and do we need to whiten our cats teeth."
Now. You and I can clearly see she was not yet fully awake. HOWEVER. Chairman took it to heart and started googling the whole bird poot thing. Oy vey.
I'd post a few youtube things he found but I'd rather just instruct you to go to Youtube and search "do birds fart". Humanity is doomed.
Chairman needed to decompress and so he sought out the services of Dr. Rascal, shrink extraordinaire.
Rascal is a very good listener BUT Chairman had a TREMENDOUS amount on his little mind.

He told of Kreatrix' strange requests and how he still doesn't have his driver's license and now the lines are sooooo long at the DMV because a lot of new people are getting drivers' licenses and he can't find anyone to pay to stand in line for him. He went into great detail about MY (Ginger) "demands" and how he didn't understand them (MEN!) and did we mention his driver's license?
Dr. Rascal, good as he is, apparently couldn't keep up and ...well, the Chairman noticed it was very he sat up.
And saw this:
That's right. Dr. Rascal fell asleep!
At first, the Chairman was most upset and had to feed the curse jar. He went a bit off the deep end and sort of, kind of, maniacally started putting stuff on Dr. Rascal's head:
We ALLLLL heard the evil laughter and came to see what was happening.
Of course, we HAD to help.
Kreatrix came to see what the commotion was about and she, also, had to help.
Eve wanted to get a selfie since she is practicing extending her arm and getting the sweet spot:
And so, we have discovered that not only is Rascal a good listener but he is a very sound sleeper.
Chairman laughed so much he became happy and I told him he had an endorphin high. Currently, he's searching our house for the dolphin because he wants to swim with one. Dorphin. Dolphin. We're just happy he's got something to do while the Kreatrix is busy with other boring stuff.
Toodles! Mwah! More later!
Love Ginger,
Feline Reporter Extraordinaire!