Welcome to the Catberry Tails gang! You are a very close cousin of Eve 2.0! In fact you're cut from the same cloth...very soft paisley fabric from an old tablecloth.
You were created during 90 degree weather in the month of November! Thank heavens I had you to keep me occupied inside with the air conditioning!
I apologize for accidentally sewing your legs on backwards. The Chairman was more than happy to give me his curse jar to feed while I performed surgery to correct my mistake.
Not to worry. Look how adorable you turned out. And you helped the Chairman buy gas for his World Dominationmobile!
Welcome to the gang, little one. You'll be going for a ride in the World Dominationmobile along with Bandit!
Look at that booty! You have your own buttonhole and proof that you're an official member of the Catberry Tails' gang.
The Kreatrix is constantly taking photographs. But if we try to take a picture of her, she screams and runs down the hallway hollering
"It'll suck my soul right out through my eyeballs!"
Personally, I'd like to see that.
Anywho, since I'm making inroads with the kitty population (the ones the Kreatrix and Prof dote on) I decided to show some of the pretty photos Kreatrix has shared on instagram. She used her "dumb" phone (not an iphone) to take these photos.
Don't look at Wally back there. I said DON'T LOOK!WallyI shall let you pet me on the first Tuesday of the month...
No. I will not help you.
That's Melvin up there. He ALWAYS looks like that. And when he meows, he sounds like he's asking:
I hear ya, buddy. I ask myself the same thing everyday.
When you're in the trenches of self-employment and wondering if your little venture will soar to the heights you hope, it helps to:
Revisit your favorite people's humble beginnings
Simon's Cat meets that criteria and I know I've shared some things from Simon Tofield before but I haven't shared his very first animation from 2008. It still cracks me up.
Fast forward to recent months and he has given us another classic. Most cat people have lived with a cat who is obsessed with the roll of toilet paper but this animated feature takes the whole ordeal to hysterical heights.
Simon Tofield went from a one man operation (he did that first video all by himself and said it took a very long time) to having a small crew work with him. Even with a crew he reminds us the videos still take quite a while but the detail and length of his features has expanded over the years. Truly amazing and yet simple in their complete honesty of what it's like to live with a cat!
Thank you, Simon, for giving me the gift of laughter!
Saturday, October 18th, was the annual fundraiser for The Stray Cat Alliance held at a big Hollywood agent's estate. Three hundred cat people attended the fancy affair to help raise money for the rescue and rehabilitation of homeless and injured cats.
I got to attend because I am the current generation of the World Domination Squad. I have a new and improved booty so I don't tip over.
As you know from the Chairman's meltdown, this was my ride for the evening :
Ginger and Peach helped me get ready with makeup and jewelry.
HOWEVER. The Chairman kept carrying on in the background saying:
Here I am in the "glittery, nice bag" as we drove to the estate in Brentwood.
The valets whisked our car away and I saw sooooo many cat people and cameras that I froze. OK. Maybe I hissed. But then a female human saw me and screeched:
"OMG! Look at the adorable cat doll!"
She held my paw and smiled while a paparazzi took my photo. I hope I didn't blink.
Then I saw Sherlock with a throng of cat people around him!
I didn't get to spend long with him because he was pretty popular with the ladies!
I asked Kreatrix if we were at a fancy hotel and she said:
"Um. No. That is somebody's home, Eve."
Wow. I don't think we have enough money in the curse jar to buy one of those places for Kreatrix and The Prof.
The dinner was held in a really big back yard!
That's not the main house back there folks. Kreatrix said it looked like guest accommodations or a pool house.
I must say, cat people are a delightful group and I met so many nice people who kept telling me how adorable I was.
It was a magical and romantic evening! It left me wishing I had a special tom...Ginger has the Chairman...who do I have?...sigh. Kreatrix, is there someone special for me?
Best of all, Sherlock worked his magic and raised a nice bundle of money to help homeless cats!
Let's watch Sherlock one more time as he goes for his honorary ride in the World Dominationmobile! He's my hero.
Hello Sweet Peas! Ginger here, feline reporter extraordinaire! Lots to tell you so let's jump right in!
Remember this guy who appeared in our back seat and we decided to keep him but didn't tell the Kreatrix?
Well...the Chairman had us practice posing like dolls with the funny looking dude quietly in the background. This way the Kreatrix won't notice anything unusual.
Check out my "dead-eye" doll stare we were all instructed to use by the Chairman. (EVE, YOU CHEATED! You look too alive!)
So far so good. Kreatrix hasn't said anything about the green guy (who is actually quite lovely and verrrry intelligent...talks weird, though).
More community members are coming!!! Lookey here! Body parts:
Eve helped pick out a fresh batch of eye balls. Ew!
Okay. Get ready. I have some really big news.
Remember the big bash at the fancy estate coming up this weekend? The Stray Cat Alliance is having their yearly fundraising benefit for cats (yup, the same one Sherlock is helping raise money for) and Eve will be attending with the Kreatrix and the Prof!!!!
The humans have to wear cocktail attire. So -
Jewelry, people! Eve gets to wear a necklace for her cocktail attire!
Kreatrix presented some choices for us to see. Us girls helped Eve pick one out.
Hopefully, yours truly will get to wear a necklace like one of these someday. Sigh.
Kreatrix has been so busy, Wally has taken to flopping on his back in a desperate bid for her attention.
I'd feel sorry for him but she smothers him with so much love it's ridiculous. Usually when he does this she screams:
Kitty Belleh!
And drops to the ground to kiss his stomach. Hmmmm.
Stay tuned for more news from the World Domination Squad!
But apparently wild will have to wait because you humans require things called license plates and drivers license. Sheesh!
Reminder. Here is our World Dominationmobile on its worst day.
And here it is SMOKIN'
Due to said minor detail of license and license plate, the only driving I'm allowed to do is on the Kreatrix driveway...
All 10 feet of it
I am now an expert at backing up and pulling forward.
Dude edited together the rather repetitive footage Kreatrix shot due to my INABILITY TO GO OUT ON THE STREET. Dude almost made it look good.
That’s Dude in the center down there. Obviously smarter than he looks.
Sherlock got to ride in the passenger's seat just before he left for his big fancy gig for the Stray Cat Alliance. He's in Los Angeles right now and will soon travel to Brentwood. Hope it doesn't go to his head.
Enjoy our drive backwards and forwards and backwards and forwards...sigh. So close and yet so far.