Sweet Peas! It's me, Ginger, feline reporter extraordinaire with

The Chairman has not been at all happy lately - what with the Kreatrix' work schedule.

Soooo...he decided to run away from home!!
I helped him pack his bag….

It’s a pretty bag, too! Kreatrix designed it a few years back.

I thought it looked a little, um, girlie BUT he likes it.
Kreatrix says he won’t get far because it took him the whole day to drag the suitcase to the sidewalk. He’s also called twice “just to chat.”
Now he’s sitting out there waiting for people to drop money in his cup. Hmmmm.

Not much foot traffic on our street. No traffic for that matter. No buses. No trains. Nothin.

Ok, ok. So that's not our street. I'm a reporter. You know DRAMATIC LICENSE????
Hey, did I mention he penned a letter to Kreatrix’ client?
Wowy. The Chairman knows words I’ve never heard of. He got in trouble for writing it even though he didn’t send it.
It started out with a very nice compliment:
Dear Mister Know-it-all,
See? Nice.
Who do you think you are?
Well, here’s where I got confused because didn’t we already state he’s Mister Know-it-all? Anyway, then he continues:
Just what in poopy-pooh-baby wee wee (my words – not The Chairman’s – those are “off limits”) were you thinking giving this amount of work in so short a frankfurter (again, my word) amount of time?
I agree with him there. Too much work but Kreatrix seemed to understand the situation.
And if that wasn’t frankfurter enough, you say she doesn’t need to complete the first fist-pump-fanny-slap-give-yourself-a-whack until you get back from the other side of Planet Earth so she can complete the new go-sit-on-a-charred-frankfurter assignment.
AND THEN, you send an inflated-gaseous-flame-throwing email the next day asking her to upload ASAP the aforementioned delayed designs!!! Ya know….designs she didn’t frankfurter have to complete for another run-over-you-with-a-spiked-steam-roller week. YEAH, THOSE DESIGNS.
Hang on a sec, Sweet Peas! My cell phone is ringing.
It’s the Chairman…he wants to chat again. Gotta go, lovies!