Building a Community


The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

Who Knew Details Could Be So Demanding?

Allow me to present Rudy demonstrating how I, the Chairman, feel right now.

A striking photo of long haired Rudy, the real life cat. Very beautiful.

Yes. I am filled to the brim with a sense of pious disgruntlement for our dear Kreatrix. Delays are the name of the game with her royal highness because

It's all in the details, people, and details take time.

Or so she says. Sheesh.

I'm supposed to post some detail shots of some of my gang because Kreatrix is so excited about them.

Notice how the noses are raised from the face? Ok, so I'm envious. Mine isn't. Perhaps I'll request a nose job for Christmas.

Detail shot of soft sculptured cat nose on Cooper, the cat.

And behold the lush lashes. Again, jealous.

A closeup of a soft sculptured cat doll's eye with eyelid detailing and frayed lashes under the eye.

Personally hand-dyed fabric by the Kreatrix. Eve 2.0 is shown with a few samples. Oh she's envious but at least she was the first one to get the new improved booty. She can actually sit up whilst checking out the envy-inducing fabric.

Soft Sculptured Cat doll posing with an array of hand-dyed fabric.

Look at this gang! Look at their paws! Notice how they're perpendicular to the ground? Guess whose aren't.

A fun assortment of soft sculptured cat dolls posing for the camera.

And each member gets a cool little pom-pom thingy attached to its paw! Made by the Kreatrix for all but me.

A fluffy colorful pom-pom is attached to the paw of a soft sculptured cat.

So let's tally up the qualities Kreatrix is bestowing on my current community members that I PERSONALLY DON'T HAVE because she was

just finding my way...

Again. Her words. So, here we go:

  1. A new and improved booty (Hey Kreatrix: I could actually sit without falling over).
  2. A soft sculpted nose that rises so gently away from the face.
  3. Fluffy, sexy lower eye lashes.
  4. Adorable little paws that are actually  perpendicular to the ground...very cool. I am not worthy.
  5. Fancy, soft hand-dyed fabric for the body
  6. A fluffy, colorful pom-pom for each cat to wear

Due to said details being ladled upon the creation of my community I am only now posting photos for the initiation ceremonies of my newest members...which took place in July. JULY. Ahem.

Behold Dr. Rascal teaching the newest members the fine art of posing for maximum cuteness.

Adorable soft sculptured cat sits in a small wicker chair with a group of cats gathered at his feet.


And the greatest news of all? I present Toni and Sami posing in a gallery gift shop in North Carolina! Woo-hoo!

Two soft sculptured cats pose proudly in a gift shop of a gallery.

And so world domination begins.



The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

They're Here! Our New Soft Sculpture Cats!

At looooong last, the Kreatrix wants me to introduce you to our newest Happiness Minions!

Meet Chester

Black cat with tan stripes. Fabric was dyed using the shibori technique and discharge printing.

Chester was created by the Kreatrix using a mysterious ancient technique of fabric dying called Arashi Shibori. Remember the whole pole dancing bit from the previous post? Welp...Chester wrapped himself around a pole and Kreatrix did her magic.

Meet Cooper

A soft sculpture cat made from an upcycled mans suit. His name is Cooper.

If Cooper looks reminiscent of a man's suit, then you're smarter than you think. Kreatrix calls this technique upcycled. I call it Uptown Funk.

Meet Chloe

Soft Sculpture cat made from raw silk and dyed using a Shabori technique that involves fabric folding and clamping.

Chloe is created from hand dyed raw silk using a magic method called Itajime Shibori. Kreatrix says it involves folding fabric and using special clamps. (Chloe makes me purr but don't tell Ginger.)

Meet Sami

A soft sculpture cat made from upcycled clothing. He is grey and has an adorable ivory belly patch.

Sami is one of the upcycle gang and began life as a stretchy man's shirt. Nowadays Sami is lookin' pretty smokin' and has a very cool belly patch!

Meet Sweetpea

Sweetpea, a soft sculpture cat made from Raw Silk dyed using the Arashi Shabori technique.

Sweetpea is another one of our pole dancers (Kreatrix doesn't think I should describe it this way). Sweetpea is 100% Raw Silk and hand dyed in the Arashi Shibori style. Hubba hubba.

Meet Toni

An orange tabby soft sculpture cat made from silk velvet and dyed using the Shabori technique.

Toni is quite the orange tabby tiger! Made from silk velvet and also a pole dancer using the Arashi Shibori technique, Toni is quite soft and very easy on the eyes!

There's more folks but these are the 6 happiness minions that are making the rounds with the Kreatrix. A gallery back East is already starting to carry some of my gang!  More details and photos coming soon.

And now for a very rare and illusive photo of the Kreatrix. I'm told this is called a PR Shot. Whatever. Kreatrix doesn't like her photo taken. EVER. So she may or may not have been blotto when she actually let the Professor take this picture.

The creator of Catberry Tails poses with the Chairman and numberous soft sculpture cats.

Stay tuned!


The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.A Lesson in "Things Are Not As They Seem"

Kreatrix likes horses, so I asked her if I could have one.


The Chairman, whimsical cat doll, sits on a large plastic toy horse in a sunny back yard.

There's one problem. I can't make it move. Where's the button? I mean, I look cool and all but shouldn't this thing move forward?

So Kreatrix is taking this photo and, not wanting to give away my complete ignorance when it comes to horses, I quietly remarked

He's a bit lazy...doesn't seem up to going for a ride today.

Kreatrix gets this sweet look on her face like she feels just a little sorry for me. She says

Aww. Here, let me help.

She comes up behind me, wraps her hands under the horses belly, makes him levitate inches above the ground, and says in my ear

cloppity clop, clop, cloppity clop, clop...

She sets me down six feet further and takes this picture.

The Chairman on his toy horse not looking happy at all.

I exclaimed loudly

I wasn't born yesterday, ya know!!

Her sweet reply?

I know exactly when you were born. I made you.

But wait, there's more! She told me several weeks ago she was taking classes with someone named Shibori and is learning to Pole Dance and is going to die!

Well, well, well...I Googled Pole Dance and I was furious with her when she returned home. Not nice, Kreatrix. Very uncool.

Wait for it.

She gets that same darn sweet "so-sorry-for-you" expression and shows me this photograph.

Silk velvet fabric wrapped and scrunched on a large pole in preparation for Shibori method of dying fabric.

I did NOT calm down because I thought she was showing me what she wore while - you know - doing her dancey routine.

I. Am. So. Lame.

This is fabric she is learning to dye (not die) in a technique called Shibori that involves pole wrapping NOT pole dancing.

Here is what her "costume" looked like once she dyed it.

Shibori pole dyed silk velvet looks very much like an orange tabby cat.

The good news is, she's making my community out of this fabric!!! WOOT! Stay tuned for photos! That's silk velvet up there, folks. Very soft and cuddly.

Here's another style made by folding fabric and dying it.

Folded and clamped fabric ready to be put in a dye bath.

AND this, too!

More folded fabric ready to be dyed.

While nursing my wounded ego in the back yard with my lazy horse, I found this dude.

Whatcha think?

The Chairman is sitting on a large and colorful metal rooster.

The very nice lady who teaches Kreatrix how to do pole wrapping and dying (not die and not pole dance) can be found here and here. I am told she is a very wise and talented woman who has lived all over the world and imparts wisdom to students of all ages!


The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

At Least It's Not Contagious

Kreatrix had a bad case of Leaky Eye Syndrome. Apparently you humans can get upset and your eyes squirt water and sometimes it's accompanied by words that make you feed my curse jar. Just sayin'.  WOOT for me, BOOHOO for your wallet.

We did kinda gang up on her last week (see here).

Good news!

It worked! Kind of. She got so upset at not being able to find any of her supplies (and everything being such a mess) that she gutted her magic lair and redesigned it. And since this is where I live with the World Domination Gang we got more room!!!

HANG ON! Look what we found while helping her clean out a closet:

A partially finished cat doll made from a man's suit. It's a little stiff but the face is cute.

She gasped and says all dreamy-like:

I'd forgotten I ever made this doll and I just  asked for a sign if I should continue pursuing making the dolls.....

WHAT?!! So I sez to her:

NOW WAIT JUST A DARN SECOND! GET THE CURSE JAR 'CAUSE I AM NOT HAPPY! You are wondering if you should make more of MY COMMUNITY? Explain, please!!!

I even threw in a few words I haven't repeated here. She tells me:

It's very hard to build a business alone, especially when you already have a very demanding job.

I had a great comeback:

Well, little missy, maybe you should have made me with opposable thumbs and I could have helped!

I dragged the strange little dude over to see Dr. Rascal, who did some ancient woo-woo energy healing work on him.

The adorable cat doll named Dr. Rascal, sits in his chair with his paws on the old doll as The Chairman cradles him in his arms.
Notice Dr. Rascal's steely concentration...

Doc explained to me that he senses very good energy from this doll and that I should convince Kreatrix to finish sewing him up and keep him as a reminder she is on the right path.

Well. I ,for one, am a bit disturbed by his inner head gear falling out the side.

Closeup of the cat doll with stuffing coming out the side of his head.

After I cooled off I asked the Kreatrix why she didn't finish him.

Well, I made him about 8 years ago out of an old suit belonging to the Prof. When I showed him the doll he told me his nose looked like a man's  #$%&*  so I tossed him to one side and didn't finish him. BUT the fact I was trying to make dolls back then tells me how passionate I must be about doing this.

Well, well, well. So "We" got all frustrated over a little joke!

OK. So it does look like a  #$%&* but SO WHAT!

I'm just gonna hang with the weird little guy until she finishes him.

The Chairman takes a selfie with the old cat.

Stop looking at his nose and get your mind out of the gutter.





Ginger has her own letterhead now! She is an adorable soft sculptured cat doll. Her letterhead features beautiful handwriting and a beauty shot of Ginger.

The Chairman is Very, Very Needy Right Now

Well, friends, times are tough here at Catberry Tails headquarters. The Kreatrix is very hard at work making everybody but Catberry Tails look good (hellloooo dastardly clients!).

My dear sweet Chairman has gone a bit off the deep end. Apparently, it started when he woke the Kreatrix up one morning after a late night of work. He peeled open her eye lid and asked:

"s'up? I need to get a jump on my tasks for the day!"

And she mumbles:

"..m'kay. Find out if birds fart and do we need to whiten our cats teeth."

Now. You and I can clearly see she was not yet fully awake. HOWEVER. Chairman took it to heart and started googling the whole bird poot thing. Oy vey.

I'd post a few youtube things he found but I'd rather just instruct you to go to Youtube and search  "do birds fart". Humanity is doomed.

Chairman needed to decompress and so he sought out the services of Dr. Rascal, shrink extraordinaire.

Very cute soft sculpture cat doll named Rascal sits in a chair with a pad and pen just like a shrink would do when treating a patient.

Rascal is a very good listener BUT Chairman had a TREMENDOUS amount on his little mind.

The Chairman, a soft sculpture cat doll, lays on a sofa with his hand over his forhead. He is not smiling.
The Chairman tells of his woes...

He told of Kreatrix' strange requests and how he still doesn't have his driver's license and now the lines are sooooo long at the DMV because a lot of new people are getting drivers' licenses and he can't find anyone to pay to stand in line for him. He went into great detail about MY (Ginger) "demands" and how he didn't understand them (MEN!) and did we mention his driver's license?

Dr. Rascal, good as he is, apparently couldn't keep up and ...well, the Chairman noticed it was very he sat up.

The Chairman sits up and looks at Dr. Rascal.

And saw this:

Dr. Rascal is sound asleep, sprawled across his chair with his notepad on his lap.

That's right. Dr. Rascal fell asleep!

At first, the Chairman was most upset and had to feed the curse jar. He went a bit off the deep end and sort of, kind of, maniacally started putting stuff on Dr. Rascal's head:

Several colorful spools of decorative tape on balanced on the sleeping Dr. Rascal's head.

We ALLLLL heard the evil laughter and came to see what was happening.

Of course, we HAD to help.

More stuff is piled on Dr. Rascal's head.

Kreatrix came to see what the commotion was about and she, also, had to help.

Cat toys are also piled on Dr. Rascal's head.

Eve wanted to get a selfie since she is practicing extending her arm and getting the sweet spot:


And so, we have discovered that not only is Rascal a good listener but he is a very sound sleeper.

Chairman laughed so much he became happy and I told him he had an endorphin high. Currently, he's searching our house for the dolphin because he wants to swim with one. Dorphin. Dolphin. We're just happy he's got something to do while the Kreatrix is busy with other boring stuff.

Toodles! Mwah! More later!

Love Ginger,

Feline Reporter Extraordinaire!



The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.


m'kay, people...this thing appeared in our front yard IN THE MIDDLE of a plant that has done nothing but sit there as long as I've been alive.

A 10 foot tall, magnificent thick trunk has emerged from the center of a very large succulent.

It's at least TEN FEET TALL!

What? Did the Kreatrix plant some magic beans and now some big hairy giant dude is gonna come down and get me?

A closeup of the trunk of the unusual foliage in the middle of the large succulent.

Seriously...this is some interplanetary species the Kreatrix has imported from her home planet.

She came inside from photographing her alien plant and left these on her desk.

Five avocados are laying on the desk.


I let out a little scream which paled in comparison to the scream that came from down the hallway at the same time.

We all went running and found Bandit with some body parts.

Bandit, the very cute soft sculptured cat doll, has a frown on his face as he is grasping a cat doll arm.

Kreatrix looks at me and hisses

Didn't you tell him?

I whimpered back

I didn't tell him, I thought you did. And you shouldn't leave body parts lying around!

Well, well, well...seems somebody slipped up and neglected to explain to Bandit how we "come to be". Ya know, how we get hatched/stitched/birthed.

First we had to pry the limb from his grasp.

Closeup of Bandit's paws hanging onto the limb.

We see Kreatrix hand calmly reaching for the body part while Bandit looks uncertain.

And then Kreatrix had an idea to get him to let go. She left the room while I talked softly to him.

I gasped when she entered the room with the alien egg pods!! Nooooooo.

She explained to him he needed to watch over these until they were "ready".

Bandit gathers the avocados on his lap.

READY!!! Ready FOR WHAT?????!!!! Hey Kreatrix, you left that part out!

And now Bandit is filled with purpose.

Bandit's smile has returned as he guards the avocados.

Last I checked he had Ginger sitting on them to keep them warm.

I had to get some air, so I went out on the back patio and found this.

A very large terrarium filled with odd succulents and a small cactus. It's actually quite stunning but very unusual.


Is this what hatches out of the pods? I...I...

I needed to lay down, so I came indoors and this appeared:

What the...

Apparently, I passed out and am now resting comfortably far away from the alien egg pods and that bad Santa dude.


Very lovely paper bunting hanging from a black and white shoelace. It reads meow! Underneath it reads It's a Boy. A blue pawprint is included.

Dear Rascal,

You are quite the character! A little rough around the edges and with eyes that are making the Catberry Tails girls swoon.

An adorable soft-sculptured cat doll sits with quite an attitude on a bench. His eyes are heavily fringed with black wool and Ivory yarn. Very much the rockstar.

And you are the first to break in our new bench! What a flea market find this was! And so beautifully reupholstered by Rosa Renae Martel of Heart & Soul Antiques On The Go here in Southern California. Yay Rosa!

Up close photo of Rascal's face. His eyes are beautifully fringed with textured black, frayed wool and ivory yarn.

I tried something different with you, Rascal...heavier fringe around the eyes, more hand sewn detail and a padded nose. I felt you needed to look more like a rascally tom cat.

Another detail of Rascal's fringed eyes.

However, you ended up looking a bit more like a rockstar.

Rascal is seated with two other recently sewn cat dolls, one of whom is a female and is holding hands with him.

Bandit and Penny have really bonded with you. Especially Penny! We all noticed the hand holding.

A closeup of Penny and Rascal paws.

You have a frayed belly patch and the cutest little nipples.

Rascals belly patch complete with cute little pink nipples.

And those feet!!

A detail shot of Rascals feet and legs dangling over the edge of the bench.

The Chairman is very pleased with your confidence and "hotness" (his word, not mine).

The Chairman sits on the bench with Rascal.
The Chairman and Rascal

I loved bringing you to life! You will also be going for a ride in the World Dominationmobile along with Penny and Bandit!

A full body shot of Rascal as he sits on the bench.

With Love,

The Kreatrix



The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

Oh Look! It's a...It's a...

Colorful, explosive thingy.

Very colorful small rug made out of long chunks of yard. A very wild shag rug.

Kreatrix blew in the door over the weekend all excited over treasures she found for me from what appears to be her home planet. This time she said her planet is named planet Estate Sale.

A closeup of the colorful shag rug making it look like terrain on an alien planet.

Seriously. Does this not look like otherworldly terrain? Kreatrix was hyperventilating while taking photos saying things like

"...fall into a giant vat of colors...what a way to go...look at the explosion of the color wheel..."


As if one wasn't enough, there are two.

Another extravagant small shag rug.

Up close of second shag rug making it look like alien terrain.

Bandit liked this one and hauled it off to his room.

Bandit, an adorable black and white soft sculptured cat doll sits on one of the shag rugs looking quite pleased with himself.

She swore you all would enjoy these photos so don't blame me.

HOWEVER. It is my job to figure out what to do with them.

Kreatrix suggested

"You all are a little uptight. You might want to try meditating on them."


Two of the soft sculpture cat dolls are sitting on a rug trying to meditate. Their mouths have been altered in photoshop to show extreme concentration.

Bandit kept saying

"om, ooooommmm, auuummmm"

Which really annoyed me and got in the way of quieting my monkey mind.

Kreatrix looked at us and said

"Soft eyes, gentlemen! Don't stare so hard."

After 60 very long seconds of hearing Bandit's hum song and my eyes burning like heck I gave up.

And then the final straw snapped my little back when the Kreatrix handed me this.

The Chairman is pictured with a very colorful gourd covered in yarn. He is not smiling.

Are those reindeer? And if so, what the heck is the dude on the left doing to the one on the right?

Well, the reindeer do look like their sniffing each others rear ends kind of like dogs do in greeting each other.

The thing on top is kinda nice.

A colorful pom-pom sits on top of the gourd.

Okay. So I rather like this. I think I'll keep it. Kreatrix really loves it.

The colorful covered gourd sits on the shag rug. An explosion of color that is really quite lovely.

There is a certain familiarity to the crazy rug-type yarn things. They remind me of Kreatrix' hair and how it is never calm and sometimes she has to feed my curse jar when she looks in the mirror.

Kreatrix with very wild, out of control red hair. Can't really see her face. Too much hair!See what I mean?


Adorable bundting in bold black and white with touches of pink and a pink paw print announcing it's a girl.

Dear Penny!

Adorable soft sculpture cat doll made out of vintage 1960's fabric. She sits in front of a green and white polka dot background and has two colorful pinwheels next to her.

Welcome to the Catberry Tails gang! You are a very close cousin of Eve 2.0! In fact you're cut from the same cloth...very soft paisley fabric from an old tablecloth.

Penny is shown from the back. You can really see the paisley pattern in the vintage fabric. Her arms and paws rest by her side.

You were created during 90 degree weather in the month of November! Thank heavens I had you to keep me occupied inside with the air conditioning!

An upclose shot of Penny, the adorable soft sculptured doll. Her mouth is hand stitched.

I apologize for accidentally sewing your legs on backwards. The Chairman was more than happy to give me his curse jar to feed while I performed surgery to correct my mistake.

Penny sits with one leg crossed over the other and her arm around the pin wheels.

Not to worry. Look how adorable you turned out. And you helped the Chairman buy gas for his World Dominationmobile!

Penny, the adorable soft sculptured cat doll, sits with her legs crossed on a navy blue doll chair.

Welcome to the gang, little one. You'll be going for a ride in the World Dominationmobile along with Bandit!

A butt shot showing the floral button under the tail and the official Catberry Tais tag.

Look at that booty! You have your own buttonhole and proof that you're an official member of the Catberry Tails' gang.


Very lovely paper bunting hanging from a black and white shoelace. It reads meow! Underneath it reads It's a Boy. A blue pawprint is included.

The World Domination Squad Welcomes A New Member!

Dear Bandit,

Adorable soft sculpture cat doll with large black velvet spots. He sits on a turquoise rug with turquoise and white wallpaper in the background. He poses with a sign that reads: life is short. Play with your cat. You have an important mission in life! You must make humans' smile and laugh because they need some humor and love these days!

Bandit is photographed from behind where his large black velvet patches are on full display.

Don't be afraid to strike a pose! Remember the lessons the Chairman taught you.

Bandit sits in a small upholstered chair looking imploringly into the camera. His legs are crossed, very human-like.

You were made with a great deal of love by the Kreatrix. Her assistant for your delivery was Mr. Rudy Rudmann.

A beautiful long-haired orange cat with a very determined expression.

Notice his steely determination as he helps with your stuffing.

Rudy, the beautiful long-haired orange cat has some doll stuffing on the end of his paw. He looks like he is really helping!

Meanwhile...across the room...this one was absolutely no help.

An adorable black and white cat is sound asleep, twisted into an unbelievable position.

Welcome Bandit! You'll be going for a ride in the World Dominationmobile very soon!

With Love,

The Kreatrix