Massive Deadlines Mean Nothing
Especially if a client wants you to physically go to the store and see a competitor’s product.
Given the chance to actually step away from the computer, SOME OF US GET SIDETRACKED. Just sayin’.
With a great deal of eye rolling and under-the-breath cursing, I drag myself to a major chain store to procure “competitor product”.
Lookey what I found:
My stuff, people!
BUT my, oh my, what a mess.
So I settle down on the floor (crossed-legged) and proceed to organize MY PRODUCT! I’m humming along, oblivious to the outside world, when a woman’s voice says
“Where would I find bath powder?”
Me (slightly peeved):
“I don’t work here.”
Woman looks confused and says
“Oh. I thought…you were stocking…um…”
To which I reply…
“These are my bottles!”
Yup. Could’ve said other stuff like I DESIGNED THESE…but NO. I had to sound like a psychotic freak.
She backed off slowly with a look on her face like
“Oh lord, this is a respectable store. Should I call security?”
Instead she swiftly removed herself from ME, the woman who was organizing her: quote, un-quote bottles.
I procured the competitor sample before I could finish organizing "my bottles" and ran for the safety of home and my massive deadlines.
Send help.