That's right. You heard me.
First, I want you to cleanse your mental palate before proceeding. Just stare at the photo below for a moment.
The building of my community has come to a screeching halt due to the Kreatrix’ incessant need to design packaging for, among many things, dog products.
Awhile back she created the brand identity (fancy phrase for “made up the logo/general appearance”) for SOHO Dogs. All kinds of shampoo, toys, grooming products and, yes, poop bags in which your collect your dog’s doody.
You can’t see me but I’m rolling my eyes. And may I remind you of this event.
It gets better.
See this design below?
Nice as it may look, a flashlight gets strapped to the center of the packaging with two rolls of poop bags on each side.
Why, Kreatrix, why?
Then I found out the flashlight comes unscrewed and there’s a roll of poop bags inside the flashlight.
We got into a debate. I say the flashlight is so you can see the poop and pick it up. Kreatrix says it’s to illuminate your path if you’re walking your dog after dark.
My reply?
If it’s dark, how do you find the poop? FEEL around for it? HELLOOOOO.
Yipee. I won. And since I find all this poop talk so repulsive, I will sign off with with a few nice smelling designs she recently created for humans (who, thankfully, don’t prance around the hood depositing presents in their neighbors yards whilst someone stands by and watches).
Ahhhhh. Much better.
I always know I can come here for a good chuckle! Love the nice smelling labels...where will we be able to purchase them?
Chairman, let's look at the flashlight from another angle. If you're out walking the dog after dark on a lonely street, you could use that flashlight to bonk a mugger over the head. I know, I know you've got the dog, but not all dogs are up to attacking muggers so the flashlight is the back up plan. Of course there's always the bag of dog pooh to hit them with.
Hey Chairman... Why don't you ask the Kreatrix to come up with an idea to attach these bags to the dog's butt -kinda like a doggie diaper. That way no human would have to deal with picking up the pooh. Maybe she could make a gazillion dollars from the design and wouldn't have to deal with demanding clients anymore. And maybe, just maybe, she would then have time for your community building!!
Ha, are like Shakespeare of the with cat world!