Catberry Tails


Got a few emails regarding the durn comments section not working. So here's a remount of Cat Outtakes!

Disclaimer:  The internet is filled with waaaaay too much purrfection. Blogs that make you feel bad about your life, house, clothing and lack of vacations. Well. Just in case you might be blown away by the overwhelming perfection you see on this blog, I thought I'd rip back the veil of deception and feature some less purrrfect outtakes. Gee. I have so few imperfections, I'm not sure if this can become a regular series...meh. We'll see.

The logo for Cat Outtakes along with a paw print splat.

Wally teaches Eve 2.0 the fine art of butt sniffing...


Is that the vacuum!!???

A wide-eyed Melvin the cat stares alarmingly at the vacuum cleaner sitting next o the chair he's been sleeping on.
Cat people know that expression well...

The Prof did NOT wear his belt to work that day...he was afraid. He was very afraid.

A man's black leather belt was laying on the bed but is now in the very long clawed clutches of cat paws.

 Sir Piglet refuses to wake up from his hoarding of the cat trees so I can take pretty, purrrrfect pictures for the world wide web.

Wally, the real life cat, is sprawled across two cat trees and is zonked out.

You are getting sleepy...verrrry sleepy.

An out of focus photograph of Wally. Very wide-eyed and his mouth open like he's talking.

Edge of your seat stuff, huh? I was tame this first time out. Testing the waters. Believe me, there's some eye opening stuff I intend to show if I get brave enough.


The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

It's The Hammer of Justice!

So, I asked the Kreatrix for a gun and she freaked!

GUN?! We have no guns in this house! Why do you want a gun?

I told her "for protection" from certain people like, for example, a crazy Uncle Samuel who might stop by and, oh, I don't know, want my box of money!! (A reader on the previous post was kind enough to remind me of Kreatrix' Uncle Sam and his sticky fingers when it comes to money).

I said a hammer would work. Confused, she obliged.

Cute floppy cat doll sits on chair in front of the house with a hammer across his lap.
Like I couldn't see her in the bushes "sneaking" a photo of me...

It took me 30 minutes to drag that dang hammer outside the front door and the whole time Kreatrix was singing some hammer song.

A cat's gotta protect his territory from crazy family Uncles. And if you think I'm freaky.

Take. A. Look. At. This!


Photo of a Bearded Dragon lizard in Kreatrix's hand.

That is Kreatrix holding a Bearded Dragon at the pet store. AHHHHHHH!

Now who's the freak, huh?

Kreatrix asked me to post this video. Cool song. Oh, wait!!! I GET IT!


The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

Holy smokels, I've found my lifelong career!


Dude and I decided to balance all the feminine energy going down in the house. Too much sewing and weaving and such.


We did what men love doing. Count money!

Two adorable cat dolls counting coins on the floor with the curse jar nearby.

Well...from the curse jar, anyway.

The Chairman with his paw on the curse jar.

From what I hear, manly men throw out a mean curse now and then...especially whilst driving their cars or watching sweaty athletes bash each other to bits.

Hey. Never underestimate the power and beauty of a well placed curse word.


A shoebox full or coins rolled in wrappers ready to go to the bank. There are a lot of rolls!

Seriously people. That's a lot of cursing in that box.

Kreatix said:

"Don't get too proud of yourself. My brother had to bite a bar of soap when he was little and cut loose with the S bomb. He blew bubbles for weeks."

I've never tasted soap. I'll have to try it because I think I sniff a veiled threat in that statement of hers.

NOTE TO SELF: taste a bar of soap and see if Professional Cursing is worth it.



Check out these weaving samples I picked up from the Oaxacan weavers in Mexico. Of course, I didn't go to Mexico...that might mean I'd had a vacation. Nope! The weavers give demonstrations from time to time near my home in California.

Beautiful striped wool mini-rug woven by Oaxacan weavers in Mexico.
Oaxacan weaving
Beautiful weaving sample from Oaxacan weavers of Mexico.
Oaxacan weaving
Weaving sample from Oaxacn weavers of Mexico.
Oaxacan weaving

And yes, you might see cat fur on them. These samples aren't very big but darned if Melvin and Wally don't try to curl into a miniscule ball and sleep on them. They fail miserably.

YouTube is an oasis of amazing tutorials. I made a small loom and got busy making my first ever woven piece. Eve 2.0, Frankencat and Ginger helped finish it off.

Floppy, cute cat dolls work on a woven tapestry.

With some old yarn and only a handful of hours here's what happened.

A woven wall hanging with colorful and fun types of yarn.

Another photo showing long tassels hanging from the tapestry.

Closeup of colorful yarns and ribbons woven together.

Truth: the Prof thought it was kinda "fluffy" and he's suddenly become aware of decor since certain family members are coming for a visit soon. Don't misunderstand, he liked it. But. Still.


I hung it in the bathroom.

The woven tabestry looking quite nice hanging on the bathroom wall!

Wait'll he sees what I make next. Mwahahahaha. And it's going in his office. Or else.










The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

Fancy letter with lots of paint splatters reads Frankencat has arrived.

That's Right! Frankencat Has Entered the Building!

Remember awhile back when we found all this in the Kreatrix lair and promised to make like Dr. Frankenstein and build a Frankencat?

Whimsical cat dolls gathered around fringe and fabric, trying pieces of it on.

Well, well, well...

Cute, floppy cat dolls Ginger and Eve 2.0 are at the sewing machine working hard.
Eve 2.0 and Ginger sewing away!

Ginger and her selfies!

Ginger, the orange floppy cat doll takes a selfie.

Eve 2.0 became obsessed with Frankencat and wouldn't stop working on it.

Eve 2.0 the paisley floppy cat doll is hand-sewing Frankencat closed.


Closeup of Frankencat, a very cobbled together creature made from all kinds of scraps and such. Very punk looking cat doll.

Here's a detail shot - Eve insisted on sewing the black flowers on.

Closeup detail of black floral trim and scrawny legs of this funny little punk cat.

I choose the legs - nice and scrawny.

So here's where the story of Frankencat gets interesting. Eve 2.0 finishes him and goes to bed last night. We wake early hearing music in the other room and rush out to see what the heck.

Frankencat is playing a mini cello!


Frankencat continues playing the cello.

Kreatrix says his bow hold is very unconventional but she's not gonna tell him because he's really good!

Kreatrix loves him and gave him some vintage doll furniture to sit on and his own rug! Here's what she tells us:

Maybe he arrived in that UFO and you built him a costume to wear.

I think she's messin' with us but we still can't figure out how he learned to play the cello overnight.

Frankencat poses with his cello as it rests on the cello stand. Very professional musician type photo.
Official agent's photo...

And now a word from the Kreatrix:

What the Chairman and his gang don't know is that Frankencat is made from scraps they chose that are cut up, recycled clothing and vintage materials. The white flowers on the front are older than I am (don't ask). Thank you Grandma for being a fabric horder and for the fact some of it made its way to me.

They also don't know that I posed Frankencat with the mini cello for them to find in the morning. But what I don't understand is how he learned to play it overnight. That's a very difficult instrument! Mysteries are afoot here at Catberry Tails...


Ginger has her own letterhead now! She is an adorable soft sculptured cat doll. Her letterhead features beautiful handwriting and a beauty shot of Ginger.

DISCLAIMER - Please read previous post before proceeding

Hello Earthly dahlings - Ginger, feline reporter extraordinaire. I'm on assignment because The Chairman is "rattled." That's the word he used.

My Chairman was continuing his bad habit of spying but this time he was spying on the cats. He calls it research but whatevah!

Let me set the scene:

Beautiful black and white cat, Wally, looking regal sitting in the sun.
Wally soaking up some sun...

All was calm.

But wait!

Closeup photograph of Wally's ear.
Did you hear that?

The Chairman thought it was an earthquake...a low rumbling. AND THEN:

Bright light floods through the window and surrounds Wally.
BAM! Bright lights flood the room!

Wally fell off the perch and then looked back out the window.

Wally is fixated with something outside the window as bright lights surround him.
Uh-oh is that a UFO...

Wally gets all agitated and meowy for the rest of the evening.

Next day, Melvin sarcastically says he’s going to “watch out for the big bad UFO.”

Notice how calm he is:

Photograph of Melvin sitting in window cleaning himself.
I'm so cool and calm...


And then Melvin sees the light!

Extreme closeup of Melvin's right eye and ear surrounded by light rays.
Aliens doing a mind probe on Melvin...

Melvin tries to shield his eyes! The Chairman stays strong and keeps snapping photos!

Melvin uses his paw to cover his eyes.

Then it happened. The dazed Melvin screamed

MAAAAAAA! The UFO is back!

Melvin with his mouth wide open, fangs showing as the light streams through. He looks like he's screaming "Maaaaaa!"

The Chairman was so freaked by hearing a cat scream like a possessed robot that he dropped his camera and ran like a little kitten.

The Catberry Tails' gang stayed up late into the night debating about the Kreatrix and her heritage.

Then we woke up this morning and this guy was staring at the front door.

Photo of a plump, real lizard staring at the front door of the house.

Say what you want but we think he was dropped off to communicate with the Kreatrix.




The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

A word about outer space...

Here is an artifact from Kreatrix' home planet.

A photograph of a potato chip shaped like a cat's head.

It’s a potato chip shaped like a cat’s head! TA DA!!! She refuses to eat it probably because it reminds her of home.

We were spying on the humans…I know, I know…bad kitty.


We heard Kreatrix mention she wasn’t from around here and someone asked

Then where are you from?

She pointed towards the ceiling and said

“...far, far away…”

OUTER SPACE!!! I knew it!!

Photo of a very stereotypical flying saucer parked in a field of grass.
Probably got here via one of these...

That probably explains why she has such a hard time fitting in around here.

She even has RH negative blood which is really rare. Only a small percentage of the human population has it.

Have you read some of the theories out there? Woah. Depending on what you read, she could be descended from the royal lineage of the gods, which may or may not have been alien visitors from eons ago. Either that or she's descended from a lizard instead of a rhesus (RH positive) monkey.

In summary:

Regal statue of the goddes Demeter.


A big lizard crawling up a rock.

But definitely NOT:

A rhesus monkey peeing over a wooden railing.

Maybe it was an intelligent alien lizard race who visited and helped build the pyramids. She is good at building things.

A lizard human fighting with James T Kirk from Star Trek.
Kreatrix' ancestor teaching dumb human how to build a pyramid...

Here is a peek at what I’m building with Ginger and Eve 2.0

A photo showing some scraps of fabric sewn sloppily together and a rather bad drawing of a cat in the background.

It’s a Frankencat.

We don’t want the Lizard Goddess to find out about it yet, so SHHHHH.

Ginger just said I'm probably going to have to apologize to the Kreatrix for this blog post. Why?


The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

de•com•press; to release or reduce the physical pressure (from clients) on something (the Kreatrix); to relax

Kreatrix has been working for a couple months straight…no days off…UNTIL Saturday.

We put her in the time-out tepee 'cause she was kinda dazed and cranky.

Cat dolls are sitting in front of an indoor tepee. All we see of the Kreatrix is her legs sticking out.

She calls it a decompression chamber.

She still has work to do but it’s not like


We think she’s gone off the deep end because she’s working on this stuff

Package designs for the Christmas season being designed already!


More Christmas package designs being created in June!

…and we’ve only just started June. The down-the-chimney guy isn't due for a long time, yet.

Ginger, Eve and I found all this cool, colorful stuff in the Kreatrix lair:

Whimsical cat dolls gathered around fringe and fabric, trying pieces of it on.

We decided we should be like Dr. Frankenstein and make a cat ourselves.  Maybe that will help Kreatrix.

Stay tuned!


Cat House on the Kings

How can I not have heard of this!!

What an amazing woman and non-profit group! Lynea is definitely the ultimate cat lady in every good sense of the word! I am definitely donating to them. They even have a wish list on Amazon where you can purchase supplies and they are shipped directly to the sanctuary.

Even more amazing, a little over a year ago, Lynea (the founder of Cat House on the Kings) helped rescue five cats from Oman and one from Kuwait, where they were found limping and barely alive.

They were brought back to California and the sanctuary of Cat House on the Kings. Before long, they were put up for adoption.

The entire sanctuary (8 acres, I believe) is fenced in, so the cats are free to roam without fear of getting out. And dogs live in harmony with the cats. Heaven on Earth!!

Go check out the website.


The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

Running Away vs. Running For Your Life

Kreatrix captured me at the zenith of my courageous journey towards freedom and finding myself.

Chairman sits on his suitcase at the sidewalk. A coffee cup with coins in it sits in front of him.

I was feelin’ quite the bohemian hobo! Felt the breeze on my face, hittin’ the road, gonna catch a train…ahhhh.

The sun had just set and I watch this dog running around without a collar. Seeing as I’m a good felinius dominus, I call the Kreatrix and tell her a neighbor’s dog got loose. She says:

Hang on a sec, I’ll look out the window.

I wait patiently. My journey had taken me clear to the curb by this time.

I think I see something…I’m texting an image and you tell me if the dog looks like this.

A photograph of a Coyote.

I say, "why yes, yes he does". She replies

That’s a coyote.


Coyote…you know, American jackal, brush wolf, prairie wolf…they prey on small creatures.

I do a quick google on my cell. I text her this image and ask if that’s correct.

A image of the cartoon character of Wile E. Coyote holding a help sign.

Close but you should be the one holding the help sign.

It took me all day to drag my suitcase to the curb. It took a mere 3 seconds for me to make it back to the front door.

AND NOW I’ve been asked by the Kreatrix to post something sweet that will make up for the letter that Ginger had no right to tell you about.

A photo of very beautiful and yummy looking cupcakes.

It was Ginger’s idea to post this photo. If I wasn't so mad at her I'd have posted her photo for the something sweet.

P.S You'd have run, too.