The Ultimate Cat Lady

Cat House on the Kings

How can I not have heard of this!!

What an amazing woman and non-profit group! Lynea is definitely the ultimate cat lady in every good sense of the word! I am definitely donating to them. They even have a wish list on Amazon where you can purchase supplies and they are shipped directly to the sanctuary.

Even more amazing, a little over a year ago, Lynea (the founder of Cat House on the Kings) helped rescue five cats from Oman and one from Kuwait, where they were found limping and barely alive.

They were brought back to California and the sanctuary of Cat House on the Kings. Before long, they were put up for adoption.

The entire sanctuary (8 acres, I believe) is fenced in, so the cats are free to roam without fear of getting out. And dogs live in harmony with the cats. Heaven on Earth!!

Go check out the website.

2 thoughts on “The Ultimate Cat Lady

  1. Taylor

    Wow...this woman is amazing. She really does it the right way, the ethical way! I just came back here after hoping over to her website to look around. You can tell there is so much love amongst those animals...they're all so peaceful. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Candie

    I second that, a most amazing woman. I just love that the cats get to roam free, climbing trees and living the good life. Too bad I don't live close enough to adopt one of her kitties. I saw a couple that would blend in with my group of furry children, specially since they all seem to get along with dogs, that's sometimes hard to find.


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