...to get the Kreatrix' attention I MAY have shown the following video to Wally, Melvin and Rudy.
Just so they could stage a coup, a takeover of the house. Maybe. Ya know, shake up the management a bit.
And while I'm very happy for how well the Kreatrix' design business is flourishing, I'm thinking some of that money could be used for house renovations and additional wings added for Yours Truly, Ginger, Dr. Rascal, Penny, Eve and so on and so forth. Oh, yes, and
RUN! HIDE! Do NOT think it's a cool little cat bed and go inside for a nap, MELVIN.
I for one have vivid memories of what happens when I deal with one of these. You can check out that misadventure here.
Melvin was the first to leave for his "Spa Day".
Right. Clueless.
He had to have four teeth pulled. And if that wasn't enough, he comes home and Wally doesn't recognize him. Two days of hissing, chasing and spitting.
Melvin gives the Wally the stink-eye...
No amount of butt-sniffing could convince Wally that Melvin is the same buddy he has been playing with for several years.
Wally goes in for another sniff...
Wally ruled the roost while Melvin hid wondering what he'd done wrong.
Hey Wally...where's Melvin?
And then...
It was Wally's turn. Wally's "Spa Day".
You'd think he would have figured something was up when he didn't get his bedtime snack. You'd think he would have REALLY figured it out when he didn't get his breakfast. Here's a tip Wally:
FASTING isn't always a good thing!
Oh, lordy. Wally was crying and begging. Then he eyed the freshly decorated tree with a look on his face of:
This tree is goin' down unless you feed me NOW!
FINALLY Melvin sees the dreaded formerly cool cat bed by the front door. Check out his face.
Notice the position of the ears. Yup. Spa Day my pahtooty. That is a look born from experience, people. Melvin KNEW. There is no Spa.
Uh-huh. Well, check out this video:
Long story short, Wally comes home minus 3 teeth and voila! Melvin ain't so bad after all.
Sheesh. And if things couldn't get any more weird, check out the resident kitty at the veterinarian's office:
Apparently she has a very bad skin condition where it tears easily. She has to stay dressed like this so she doesn't hurt herself.
I like how she's doing a mental probe on Santa up there.
Fork over a treat mister magic-reindeer-sleigh-flying-knows-everyone's-wish-list-jolly-man-in- red.
Kreatrix took pity on her and fished a treat out of Santa's head for her. M'kay, I'm gonna leave you with that visual.
But apparently wild will have to wait because you humans require things called license plates and drivers license. Sheesh!
Reminder. Here is our World Dominationmobile on its worst day.
And here it is SMOKIN'
Due to said minor detail of license and license plate, the only driving I'm allowed to do is on the Kreatrix driveway...
All 10 feet of it
I am now an expert at backing up and pulling forward.
Dude edited together the rather repetitive footage Kreatrix shot due to my INABILITY TO GO OUT ON THE STREET. Dude almost made it look good.
That’s Dude in the center down there. Obviously smarter than he looks.
Sherlock got to ride in the passenger's seat just before he left for his big fancy gig for the Stray Cat Alliance. He's in Los Angeles right now and will soon travel to Brentwood. Hope it doesn't go to his head.
Enjoy our drive backwards and forwards and backwards and forwards...sigh. So close and yet so far.
Kreatrix is hard at work on more community members! The good news is:
We hope to be selling them soon and contributing a portion of proceeds to animal rights organizations!
We made Kreatrix take a break and watch this cool video. Check out what this guy built for his cat who had a nasty ear infection and had to have drops put in his ears. The little dude kept running from his human and his human wanted to do something special for him.
As if I didn't have enough to worry about, I'm afraid Kreatrix is going to try to build one of these in our house...
Hello my munchkins! Ginger, Feline Reporter on assignment. The Chairman prepared this evidence for you concerning just how far off "the deep end" our beloved Kreatrix has gone. But then, we still think she might be communicating with alien visitors from another planet. Check it out here and here.
If you don't want to see an ugly little worm get consumed by a cute little critter, don't watch this.
Have to say...not a huge fan of Friskies for my cats other than as a guilty pleasure (much like a bag of fat-laden, high salt, out-of-this-world-with-goodness, and badness, potato chips). Yep. They love it. Just like my love affair with Lays Potato Chips. Whew. Still. Kudos. Excellent short film you frisky folks at Friskies!
P.S. And yes...posting a video means I am verrrrrrry busy. With Christmas designs. sigh.
Merry Freakin' Christmas in the 90 degree heat of full-throttle summer.
I saw the most amazing show on PBS last night. My Bionic Pet.
Here is the trailer.
The world is so full of violence and bad news right now, that we often forget there are amazing people doing some amazing things. In this case, they are helping animals live happy, productive lives. In years past, these very animals would have been euthanized.
I especially love the sentiment given by one of the makers of the prosthetic limbs for animals -
"Why not help them? They are not a possession like a piece of furniture. Rather, we should view ourselves as their guardians."
You can watch the full-length version here (56 minutes) or clink on the PBS link in blue below the video. You'll be redirected to the PBS website.