Vino and the Voodoo Catwoman

The Chairman's letterhead complete with his photo and pawprint.

Our Crazy Cat Lady has turned into some kind of voodoo soft-scupltured cat doll maniac!

The pressure of her back being thrown out and carried off by the garbage truck has just been too much!

I offer up Exhibit A:

Remember meeting Opie the Magnificat the other day?

Opie the Soft sculptured cat dall stands about 18 inches tall and is made out of recycled mens' suits.

Well get a load of this:

The head of an orange soft-sculptured cat doll with pins holding fabric in place.

Uh-huh. Kreatrix was sitting with a heating pad on her back and sticking pins into this cat head.

I offer up Exhibit B:

Orange soft-sculptured cat doll head propped on top of an empty large wine bottle. Pins are holding fabric in place.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but is that, or is it not,  a WINE BOTTLE? And the little kitty's head is just jammed on it with pins sticking out. I...I...I ask you, is this right?

The Chairman posing with the cat hold on the wine bottle. The Chairman is frowning.

...oh lord, here she comes. Gotta go.

Kreatrix here. I've just read the above and am going to post it as is. I see I need to have a discussion with The Chairman and explain a bit about how I make the Magnificats. Sorry he had to see the head on the wine bottle but a wine bottle is actually good to use for two reasons:

  1. The head fits perfectly and firmly on the bottle neck thus allowing me to sculpt with fabric.
  2. It's best if the bottle is empty.  :-}

The Chairman just hollered from the back room:

"Soft-sculptured cat doll! Soft sculptured cat doll!"

Apparently those are our intended keywords for our lovely neighbors the search engine spiderbots who will be dining upon our content after I've posted this. And if you're confused about spiderbots and what they mean to us at Catberry Tails, please go here.

Thank you for spending a few moments with us!


3 thoughts on “Vino and the Voodoo Catwoman

  1. Bob Brother of Kreatrix

    Of course, a full wine bottle is a bit more stable when working on, er, "creating" that is, a soft sculptured cat doll.

    1. The Kreatrix

      Post author

      True. True. But the creative process is ever so much easier by "emptying out" the bottle. Just sayin'.


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