Lessons in Trust
Kreatrix has been far too busy with clients changing their minds AFTER projects have been uploaded to China and are ALREADY in production.
Since she won't let me protect her with a hammer...
...I got bored and snooped around the house. Here is what I found:
Speechless, I am.
I looked for a tag to tell me which far flung place on Planet Earth this…thing…came from. Maybe it came from the Kreatrix home planet.
Seriously. Look at its face.
Dude and I dragged it down the hall and into the Kreatrix office where she was hunched all googly-eyed over the computer screen. I told Dude he should ask her nicely (i.e. I wasn’t going to be the one to interrupt her work).
So Dude sez:
“What the heck is this darn thing?”
Kreatrix glances at us with a scowl:
“It’s a cat. I made it many, many years ago. From a pattern I bought at the store.”
Of course, I just had to burst out laughing and go all "look at me, I'm a stand up comic":
It looks like a cross between a rabbit and a cat. Hello little CRABBIT! HAHAHAHA. And its arms look like "Hey, Sugar Ray, where's your boxing gloves?" MWAHAHAHAHA.
It occurred to me that no one else was laughing. Dude was all wide-eyed staring at the Kreatrix.
I'm such an idiot.
But soft, she speaks:
“That’s not polite. I simply wasn’t ready to use the Force, Luke!”
Oh, lord. Not again. Google here I come.
“The Force is described by the great Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi as an energy field created by all living things; it surrounds and penetrates living beings and binds the galaxy together.”
There's more!
“The Force can enhance natural, physical and mental abilities…”
Woah. So the Kreatrix is a Jedi Master?
Later that afternoon I kept staring and staring at her and then from behind her computer screen she says:
“I sense a disturbance in the Force.”
I couldn’t stand it any longer:
“WAS I MADE FROM A STORE PATTERN?! I screamed with all my little heart.
Now she laughs.
“Nope. By the time I made you and the others, I had grown wiser. I did away with the rules and used the Force instead.”
Okay, then. Sounds all kinda spooky. Then the Kreatrix said I needed to lighten up and she showed me this video.
Hey. I'm going to call this thing Yoda. See the resemblance?
Here's the best part. Look how far Kreatrix has come with her Jedi training:
May the Force be with you!
Why do I hear heavy breathing and a voice saying "Chairman, I am your father". I am glad that Jedi training paid off because the Force is surely with you!
The Kreatrix
Post authorStu. Chairman here. I have a father? Well. This is news to me.
Ha! Laughing at this post and Stu's comment! It truly is Jedi wisdom to come to the realization that rules (and sewing patterns) were made to be broken. I guess The Chairman and company are mighty glad you found the force-otherwise this blog might be called Crabbitberry Tails!
The Kreatrix
Post authorChairman here. Ha! Crabbitberry Tails. Brilliant! I shall bring this name change up at our next board meeting. Genius cannot be ignored! Thanks BJ...
OH! I ust got the personal email from the Chairman!! My son is already in bed but I can't wait to show him in the morning!!! He will also love this Jedi post. He's really starting to get into Star Wars and Harry Potter. He loves E.T. too. Thank you for responding to my email, Chairman!!
Chairman, sorry about being late with a comment here, I was filling the curse jar. Some clients just don't get it, you can't "stop" the presses in mid run, makes everyone cranky. I'm gathering as much of the force as I can to send your way, keep an open mind it will get there. Your father is probably traveling the universe at the moment I'm sure you'll get to meet him one day, he's as handsome as you are.
The Kreatrix
Post authorJedi-in-training-Chairman here! The presses have stopped AGAIN! Now said client is going back to the first set of designs. WOOT! My curse jar is overflowing baby!!! Kreatrix, our Jedi Master Creator, has gone numb. We're giving her lots o' space. Ginger just hit me. She says "we're giving her love you nimnill." What's a nimnill?
Over and out,
HAHAHA! Seriously. The thing is, you are right. Gotta use the Force if you want to be unique.