Finally one of us cat dolls gets control of the mouse!
Look at us. We are meditating! More on that later.
First order of business are photos from our annual retreat and our class on using Bondo.
Since it’s been soooo long (ahem) I will remind you of this:
That's right, this is what passes for our World Dominationmobile.
ANYWAY, the CEO and the Prof led the workshop which we held outdoors due to Bondo fumes and my delicate nature with said fumes.
Here I am sanding the Bondo after it dried.
And since I originally thought the Bondo workshop was going to be learning all about James Bond and how to be ultra sneaky, the Kreatrix put this together.
Laugh all you want. I look good!
As for us meditating. I was inspired by a comment from our fan Candie on the previous post. She suggested I “ponder the meaning of life” while waiting for the Kreatrix to get around to my stuff.
Have you ever Googled “what is the meaning of life”? WOAH.
I did find this guy with a very long name – His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
I decided I like him (Note to self: why is it people who wear robes all the time have so much power? Judges, Priests, Monks, Dalai Lamas...)
Check this out.
The Kreatrix and I LOVED this article. The story about the Dalai Lama riding the ski lift will make you smile AND he has something to say about the meaning of life!
Thank you Candie! This 007 cat doll is going to sit and meditate some more.