Running Away vs. Running For Your Life
Kreatrix captured me at the zenith of my courageous journey towards freedom and finding myself.
I was feelin’ quite the bohemian hobo! Felt the breeze on my face, hittin’ the road, gonna catch a train…ahhhh.
The sun had just set and I watch this dog running around without a collar. Seeing as I’m a good felinius dominus, I call the Kreatrix and tell her a neighbor’s dog got loose. She says:
Hang on a sec, I’ll look out the window.
I wait patiently. My journey had taken me clear to the curb by this time.
I think I see something…I’m texting an image and you tell me if the dog looks like this.
I say, "why yes, yes he does". She replies
That’s a coyote.
Coyote…you know, American jackal, brush wolf, prairie wolf…they prey on small creatures.
I do a quick google on my cell. I text her this image and ask if that’s correct.
Close but you should be the one holding the help sign.
It took me all day to drag my suitcase to the curb. It took a mere 3 seconds for me to make it back to the front door.
AND NOW I’ve been asked by the Kreatrix to post something sweet that will make up for the letter that Ginger had no right to tell you about.
It was Ginger’s idea to post this photo. If I wasn't so mad at her I'd have posted her photo for the something sweet.
P.S You'd have run, too.
Laughing here. I know I can always count on a chuckle when I come here! How is Eve 2.0 doing these days?
The Kreatrix
Post authorOh Debbie dahling! Ginger checking in!! Eve 2.0 is fabulous. I should be envious because of her new and improved booty but she's very popular and friendly. She's my BFF!
Purrs Sweet Pea,
Chairman, would have loved for you to come visit me, but can't blame you for high tailing back to the house. The world is a big scary place for sure, but one day I'm sure you'll get the hang of modern travel and take off to see all the beautiful places there are to see. Kreatrix in the mean time does need your support and excellent letter writing skills, so hang in there.
The Kreatrix
Post authorDearest Candie - Chairman here. Thank you for being one of the few humans to note my excellent letter writing skills. I may have to start an advice column or something. Cheers!
Hysterical! Wish the Chairman would come visit me. Still concerned about his taste in luggage. Hmmmm....
LOL! I've been away from the internet for a week or so and am catching up. His suitcase kills me...